Band Together wants to get us back together!
To meet “your budget” / “your organizations” budget, let’s discuss a WIN-WIN cost! Band Together needs to cover costs and yes, it would be nice to have money to improve our faculty’s lives / update our curriculum.
When we improve – you have a better opportunity to improve! Please contact us.
Are there tried and true principals that are always certain to help a person GROW?
John Maxwell says the answer is “YES.” He has been passionate about the personal development for over forty years, and for the first time, he teachers everything he has learned about what it takes to reach your potential.
In the way that only he can communicate, John teachers fifteen laws. The most published author on Leadership in the world has turned his attention to the subject of personal growth. For over 50 years, Dr. John C. Maxwell has been passionate about personal development.
This book reminds the reader that Potential is one of the most powerful words in any language. A person’s potential implies possibilities it heralds hope, and it unveils greatness .In the “15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, ”Maxwell shares the core of what he has learned about developing yourself so that you have the best chance of becoming the person you were created to be.

1. The Law of Intentionality
2. The Law of Awareness
3. The Law of the Mirror
4. The Law of Reflection
5. The Law of Consistency
6. The Law of Environment
7. The Law of Design
8. The Law of Pain
9. The Law of the Ladder
10. The Law of the Rubber Band
11. The Law of Trade-Offs
12. The Law of Curiosity
13. The Law of Modeling
14. The Law of Expansion
15. The Law of Contribution
Saint Ignatius Loyola, one of the world’s greatest educators, once said that we learn only when we are ready to learn. Emmet Fox, noted twentieth-century spiritual leader, said that difficulties come to you at the right time to help you grow and move forward by overcoming them. “The only real misfortune,” he observed, “the only real tragedy, comes when we suffer without learning the lesson.”
If you’re like most people, you’ve suffered some loss in your life. Are you ready to learn from it? I hope you’ll join me in looking at how you can turn losses into opportunities, and how you can see failures from a different perspective. The ideas in this book can help you now and will continue to do so as you grow into young adulthood. Everybody messes up. You only need to learn how to move on from it.

Humility: The Spirit of Learning
Reality: The Foundation of Learning
Responsibility: The First Step of Learning
Improvement: The Focus of Learning
Hope: The Motivation of Learning
Teachability: The Pathway of Learning
Adversity: The Catalyst for Learning
Problems: Opportunities for Learning
Bad Experiences: The Perspective for Learning
Change: The Price of Learning
Maturity: The Value of Learning
Humility: The Spirit of Learning
We have a tendency to overestimate the event and a tendency to underestimate the process.
You see, an event, which is important, won’t develop you as a leader, but it can get you started on becoming better.
If you think about it, to develop as a leader, we are talking about changing our behaviors and unfortunately, we can’t just snap out finger and “be changed”.
I want to honor your time. So, we can continue to lead the way have been…Or, we can choose to intentionally develop and increase our influence and leadership. And as a result, improve our results.

Chapter One – You Can Be A Leader
Chapter Two – Stop and Take Notice
Chapter Three – Integrity
Chapter Four – Change
Chapter Five – Priorities
Chapter Six – Problem Solving
Chapter Seven – Self-Discipline
Chapter Eight – Attitude
Chapter Nine – Pursue your Dreams
Chapter Ten – Go Lead
People will summarize your life in one sentence – CHOOSE IT NOW!
…there are NINE additional sentences you can choose from! For all the LEADERSHIP GOLD, hire BAND TOGETHER – LEADERSHIP SEMINARS!

If it’s lonely at the top, you’re not doing something right.
The toughest person to lead is always yourself.
Defining moments define your leadership.
When you get kicked in the rear, you know you’re out in front.
Never work a day in your life.
The best leaders are listeners.
A leader’s first responsibility is to define reality
Keep your mind on the main thing.
Your biggest mistake is not asking what mistake you are making
For everything you gain, you give something up
Course Overview

How to Positively Impact the Lives of Others
Whatever your vocation or aspiration, you can increase your impact on others by Becoming a Person of Influence. Learn simple, insightful ways to interact more positively with others, and watch your personal and organizational success go off the charts.
Managers will see their employees respond with new enthusiasm
Parents will connect with their children on a deeper level
Coaches will see their clients blossom
Speakers will reach more people
Salespeople will break records
For teens, Mr. Everts (an award winning high school music teacher) will make this great material accessible to teenagers!
With influence, you can achieve success at home, at work, and in every other area of life. John C. Maxwell has spent his life raising up influencers. With humor, heart, and unique insight, he shares what he has gleaned from decades of experience in both business and nonprofit arenas. Best of all, its insights are practical and easy to apply to everyday life.
Course Overview

How to Positively Impact the Lives of Others
Whatever your vocation or aspiration, you can increase your impact on others by Becoming a Person of Influence. Learn simple, insightful ways to interact more positively with others, and watch your personal and organizational success go off the charts.
Managers will see their employees respond with new enthusiasm
Parents will connect with their children on a deeper level
Coaches will see their clients blossom
Speakers will reach more people
Salespeople will break records
For teens, Mr. Everts (an award winning high school music teacher) will make this great material accessible to teenagers!
With influence, you can achieve success at home, at work, and in every other area of life. John C. Maxwell has spent his life raising up influencers. With humor, heart, and unique insight, he shares what he has gleaned from decades of experience in both business and nonprofit arenas. Best of all, its insights are practical and easy to apply to everyday life.
This summer / the 2020-21 school year, BAND TOGETHER is offering a FREE ONE HOUR – in addition to the time with the students – For the student leaders’ parents / caretakers; A FREE ONE HOUR introduction to the MAXWELL PARENTING AND FAMILY Program! This is a THANK YOU GIFT for bringing us to you / your organization!