Written February 23, 2025
Before we go to our home church in Roseville, CA, we watch the controversial Pastor Mark Driscoll. We enjoy his messages, interpretation of the Bible and all that said – acknowledge he turns off people. I bet you turn-off people, as well. I know I do.
Pastor Mark did not have a sermon for today. Therefore, we turned to Pastor Allen Jackson from World Outreach Church. When I am not feeling the “Fiery-Pastor-Mark,” I do turn to Pastor Jackson for a more calm approach to our Beautiful Savior!
Pastor Jackson’s message led me to write, “I am sorry, Jesus.”
Missed Opportunity
Many times I have had to apologize to Jesus. This apology is for not standing strong to the statement made to me in April 2021. The April 2021 statement from the “Pinecrest High School (Placer County, California)” Principal? He said to me, “You and I are Christians and I hate to tell you this, Paul. You need to keep Jesus Christ in the parking lot.” Instead of fighting the principal and the public school culture, I retired early. Instead of waiting until 2025, I felt that I could not work for an institution that said, “keep Jesus Christ in the parking lot,” especially when other Religions / “Denominations” of the Religions were welcomed on that campus. I missed the opportunity to defend my Savior’s presence on that campus. I am sorry.
Fear Got the Best of Me
Pastor Jackson’s February 22/23, 2025, sermon humbled me. When he pointed out how we have bent the knee to the fear of government (part of my interpretation of Pastor’s message), humbled me. That is exactly what I did.
From Pastor Jackson’s Sermon: Angels, Demons & You – Can You See There is a Struggle Underway,
A. Fear of the Political Leaders (“We shouldn’t be afraid of our government.” – Pastor Jackson)
John 7:12–13 (NIV®)
12 Among the crowds there was widespread whispering about him. Some said, “He is a good man.” Others replied, “No, he deceives the people.” 13 But no one would say anything publicly about him for fear of the Jews.
John 12:42–43 (NIV®)
42 Yet at the same time many even among the leaders believed in him. But because of the Pharisees they would not confess their faith for fear they would be put out of the synagogue; 43 for they loved praise from men more than praise from God.
When I heard Pastor Jackson speak on those verses, what shame I felt to know that I feared this principal (who later would become HR director for the district), the union (which said nothing that moment and moments to follow; when that (silence from the union) happens, I am done.), the community. That fear? Would lead me to resign on October 15, 2021. My final day was December 23, 2021. I could have said something and stayed to fight. Nope. I walked away. I was Peter.
Why the Apology to Christ for Not Staying in the Fight?
Using Gary Chapman’s Excellent Book, The Five Languages of Apology: How to Experience Healing in All Your Relationships This diagram is a wonderful source, as well.
- Express Regret – I am sorry. I am sorry, Jesus. I hurt You when I took the easy walk to the parking lot. I am sorry to those I abandoned on that campus / district. I also hurt the Christians on that campus / district by abandoning them.
- Accept Responsibility – I was wrong. Jesus and others need to hear me say, “I was wrong.” Well, I was wrong and I am wrong for walking away.
- Make Restitution – What can I do to make it up to You and others? I will continue to ask Jesus that question! What I will do is share this story about being told to go to the parking lot with Jesus and – I DID. Oppose to what I should have done. I should have said something like, “I am going to continue to have Him on this campus, among the BLM banners, LGBTQ clubs, Flags, etc.” I will do what I can to make it up to Jesus and other Christians I abandoned on that campus and frankly every public (government) school campus I don’t step on because, “Keep Jesus Christ in the parking lot.”
- Genuinely Repenting – I will try not to do this again. I will no longer back down for sharing my LOVE for and dependence on JESUS CHRIST! People are going to know that I am a Christian. Being an advocate for Jesus Christ is disruptive. It has always been and will always be. We need the light and the truth. It will bring good things. (Paraphrased from Pastor Jackson’s sermon)
- Request for Forgiveness – Please for give me. Jesus Christ and those I abandoned on that campus and many campus, please forgive me. I want to continue to fix those relationships. Thank you.
Truth will Set Us Free
The final piece from Pastor Jackson’s sermon has to deal with truth. Because God wants TRUTH on my heart, He gave me my local Pastor Nathan’s excellent sermon today. Pastor Nathan was strong with “truth” from 2 John! LOVED IT!!
So combining Pastor Nathan, Pastor Jackson, and Dr. Maxwell’s writing, let me encourage all of us to share THE Truth and allow those who hear the truth to be responsible for their reaction. Apologize for wrong doings. Between a sincere apology and the truth – we “simplify” life!
Values: Leaders Must Cherish Truth More Than Anything (2 John 1 – 4) by Dr. John C. Maxwell
Leaders need to examine their professional relationships in light of their organization’s vision. Energy follows when the leader’s personal beliefs align with the organization’s values. When leaders eliminate hypocrisy and deception from their organizations, liberty and power prevail. John uses the word “truth” five times in this short letter to underscore the necessity of integrity.
Leaders must value truth more than anything else. When truth presides in an organization, several benefits result:
- Trust is evident among staff.
- The leader has less mental clutter.
- People feel the freedom to be transparent.
- The leader has credibility when he or she speaks.