There is a Lot to LOVE about You!

I am writing this on July 30, 2024. Five days following the Olympics opening ceremony.  This will be a brief article.  Less than 500 words.  If you make it to the end – THANK YOU & CONGRATULATIONS!

Yes.  I am a Christian.  Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.  I cannot thank Him enough for all He does – NOT did – does for me!  Without Him, my anxiety, depression, other negatives (SINS) would hurt me more.  If it was not for Him, I know I would be on sort of “SSRI” and be an alcoholic.  I probably would be on my fourth marriage.  My children would turn away from me.  My life would be a horror show.  Therefore, because He is EVERYTHING to me, I get upset when people mock Him / disrespect Him.  

Via clips / videos of the opening ceremony, what I saw (through the lens I describe in previous paragraph) did hurt.  Seeing the director / participants deny the Opening “Ceremony” did mock Jesus Christ or even the Bible and later change their stories several times, made their artistic choices worse.  I do also believe the response from Christians defending any or all of the opening ceremonies was also hurtful.

From this experience, what I would like to teach people is – FIRST UNDERSTAND, THEN BE UNDERSTOOD.  This is a principle I learned from Dr. Stephen Covey.  A principle I continue to learn!

Why not take the time to understand why a Christian would be upset?  Why a parent of young children would be upset?  We are asked to understand and accept why trans-people and/or anyone in the LGBTQ+ community are who they are.  I would like that community to reciprocate their request.

Here is Another Thing About the Opening Ceremony

Why not think about families with young children?  Shouldn’t there have been something at the start of the Opening “Ceremony” that stated “not suitable for all ages.”  For example, the headless Marie Antoinette.  Maybe a seven or eight year old shouldn’t see that, along other parts of the Opening “Ceremony.”  When and how did we get to a point that every part of that Opening “Ceremony” was age appropriate for children?  And yes, adult entertainment (some of the people in the “Last Supper” scene were dressed inappropriately for children; and yes, there was child on that stage with them; I disagree with that, as well) was also happening.

Before You Get Mad or Defensive

We are losing our ability to have empathy for others.  You getting mad or defensive because others see it differently than you and you don’t take the time to understand why he / she is upset is your fault.  Not the person who is upset!  Because I will not, I do not think you have to change your mind every time someone disagrees with you or is upset at you.  NO!  What I do think we should do is understand where he / she is coming from and say, “I appreciate and understand where you are coming from.  I don’t see it that way and we can both be correct.”  What a world that would be.  “I understand you and I can still disagree with you and love ya.”

Another way I say it, “I love everything about Jesus Christ and there is a lot to love about you!  I don’t have to love everything about you.  I do not even expect you to love everything about me.”

GOD BLESS and best wishes to all the athletes!  May this experience be enriching!


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