What are You Doing? Saying?

Written on July 18, 2024.  Posted later that day.

I was sitting on our couch.

I didn’t have the sound on the TV because I had a baseball game on the radio.

Then, I saw him duck behind his podium and secret service surrounding him.

I shout for my wife Diana.

We then realized the former President of the United States, Donald J. Trump had been hit by an assassin!  Diana and I just sat there in silence.

I frantically texted family and friends.  “You need to see what happen to Trump!! 3:15pm!”

We said a prayer.

I didn’t realize I would need to say prayers for what I would see next.

The vitriolic / hurtful / mean postings on Facebook!  From people I know and strangers.  I needed to pray for those people who forgot they were applauding the attempted murder of a human being.

Please, consider how crazy you are becoming when you take joy in an American leader’s almost death at the hands of a fellow American. Seriously.  I pray that this doesn’t happen to President Biden, Vice President Harris or ANY ELECTED OFFICIAL AT ANY LEVEL!  Why is that “prayer” so difficult for too many of you?!

The world is watching our nation, and I can only imagine how this event adds to what they see:  homelessness, children having procedures to change their gender, city streets with human crap, and on and on!  This is the American dream?

What About Free Speech?

After reading a snarky article defending these wretched comments, I needed to address this.  It would be great for you all to learn that “discipline equals freedom” (Thanks, JOCKO!).

Find your adult button and have some discipline.  As the saying goes, just because you have the freedom to do it doesn’t mean you should do it.

What happened to the “if the shoe was on the other foot” test?  All you “Anti-Trumpers” would be going nuts if you read similar comments following a similar attack on President Biden or Vice President Harris (and again, let’s pray for their safety!).

Control yourselves.  Think about how others are going to respond to your “hurt.”

How to Move Forward

Start to really think about the next two-to-three generations!  Meaning.  If we want our nation to improve, we need to accept the responsibility that everything we choose to do, the children are watching.

People do what people see.

Our nation’s children are watching us and are listening to us.  Do you have it in you to imagine what they are seeing?  Hearing?  You want them to grow up in a nation that is only going to get worse the further it moves away from the moral compass of the Bible?

What happened on July 13, 2024 to President Trump is awful!  The responses similar to the ones I share below can be seen as just as awful!!

When we see people celebrate or see anything funny about what happened to President Trump and see the need to post their celebration(s), we ARE seeing the death of a great nation.

Stand up to these people!!  Let them know that they have gone too far!  Our children need to see us stand-up against this garbage!  Their future living in a civilized nation depends on what we (the adults) are doing today!


God – Bless President Trump and all who are forever changed by being there!

God – Forgive those who are celebrating / feeling joy or even disappointment by the outcome of July 13, 2024.  May they eventually turn to JESUS CHRIST and realize their hate is wrong!

God – Forgive those who sit silent and will not even point out the evilness being displayed in these responses (below and similar to the ones below) to the attempted assassination.  “Silence equals consent.”


Examples of terrible / hurtful / mean responses to the attempted assassination of President Trump




