Written on November 26, 2024… Published on Thanksgiving Day, 3:00am
As the cliché goes: we have so much to be Thankful for.
JESUS CHRIST and our church! Needless to say, this is my MOST thankful part of my life. I am so grateful to be a Christian! What Jesus did for me and does for me all the time gives me the ability to be all that I am thankful for.
To be a husband. I am so thankful and blessed to be married to Diana. Seriously! Those who are reading this and know Diana and me would agree that I am incredibly blessed! One of the most patient women in the world!
Thankful to be a father. I have been a father for 30 years! A third of a century. This time of being a father is more of a coach / mentor. After all, PJ (30) and Katy (28) are adults. Totally responsible for their lives.
Really enjoying being a grandfather! To see our son be a father is one of the best things in life. Look forward to seeing our daughter be a mom (smile). To be able to have fun with his and his wife’s children is a joy! Read stories to them. Wrestle them. Hold them. Feed them. The entire experience enriches my life. Super thankful for BAYLEE’s first Thanksgiving!
A father-in-law! Being Ashlee and soon to be Daniel’s father-in-law is another role I am loving. I enjoy seeing how much joy they both give to our children. I am grateful for them being so good to our children. SUPER PEOPLE!
Other family roles: brother / uncle / brother-in-law. Thank you to my sisters, brothers-in-law, sister-in-law, niece, nephews for allowing me to be part of your lives. I enjoy being with all of you! You mean a lot to me!
Not as many as I used to have, but the ones I have – even more thankful for! FRIENDS! The friends I have totally know me and accept me. When one gets older one tends to have the filter that is a “cyclone fence.” So, to have friends who just say, “that’s who he is” is very special.
Scholars / Students / their parents (caretakers) / the school I am currently at. To be able to have had and still – THANK GOD – have the opportunity to teach music to hundreds of people is another thankful part of my life. I am so thankful to all the scholars / students who give me the opportunity to make beautiful music with them. To see them grow into productive adults is the ultimate example of DELAYED GRATIFICATION.
Winner or loser, we are thankful to be able to vote!
I hope you have a “Thank You List!” Please enjoy this special holiday. Let someone know you are thankful for them.