Sound of Freedom

Written July 19, 2023  7:55am   Posted on August 1, 2023  5:00am

I used my last blog article to show appreciation for our great nation.  Some would say, ‘the greatest nation.’  Shared the same message / article for thirty-one days.  It has been a while since my last blog.

This morning, I was moved to write my response to SOUND OF FREEDOM.  Official Movie Trailer

I strongly recommend this movie.  The movie is excellent.  I appreciate the manner in the way the movie makers / storytellers told the story.  We do not have to see everything.  In today’s world of movies and/or tv, there are too many storytellers telling us / showing us too much.  Our brain is incredible.  We don’t need to see everything.  MTV / music videos really started the decline for each of us to make our own visions of the song.  We were told what to think.

I am extremely grateful for the men and women who had the courage to make such a film.  To also not give up!  The backstory of the making of this film is inspiring!  Never give up!!

By now (August 1, 2023), the movie is probably out of the theaters.  When I wrote this, it had already made over $50 million in less than two weeks!  WOW!  If the movie is out of the theaters, please plan to watch it when it comes out on video.

Now, the purpose of this article.

In July / at the beginning of SOUND OF FREEDOM’s run, I encouraged people to watch this movie.  The blowback I received was strange.  Concerning.  Maddening.  Hurtful.

A real story that was showing us men attempting to and most of the time successfully saving children would be seen as some “Q-Anon” twisted story.  Just another way to make rich men – richer.  The cynicism was off the chart!

The responses from total strangers accusing me of being part of the problem because I support this movie / this story.  Also, the number of people who were so cruel / mean didn’t even see the movie!  “Why would I go support these awful men?  All they want to do is make money off these children!  They’re no better than the human traffickers!”


A sign of our nation in trouble – people forming an opinion about a subject (the movie) and yet, didn’t even see the movie.  Tired of those people!

As a nation, if we cannot come together to see the good in this story – a man and many others willing to risk their lives to save children from human trafficking – then we are heading in the wrong direction.  Our moral compass is not pointing north.

I never knew the following would be controversial:  please support Operation Underground Railroad  Yet, I am the same man who thought, I love you would never be a controversial statement.  We need to save these children, as well as the adults, who are also being abducted to be slaves.  AWFUL!

Many of the vitriolic responses to this movie show people are suffering and experiencing evil.  Pray for them.

Our world needs healing.  Yes.  For me that healing comes from Jesus Christ.  To help you get through your suffering and evil, consider reaching out to Jesus Christ.  This movie shows people who battle suffering human beings and evil human beings.  We need to support these warriors in their battles against the suffering and evil.

We need to support our children / God’s children.  After all, God’s children are not for sale.