Content of Character

Let's take a minute and reflect on what Martin Luther King meant when he talked about the content of character. This refers to the core ethical values of honesty and integrity, respecting others, taking responsibility for one's actions, being fair and just, and being someone who promotes love and compassion in others.   Sep 30, 2016. Psychology

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Put Teachers First

July 3, 1989 was my first day teaching high school music.  When you multiply 180 times 30, I have taught at least 5,400 days.  In addition to the 5,400 days, all the competitions / Saturday rehearsals / performances / festivals.  I would say it would be close to 6,000 days being a teacher for children

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Schools Cannot Suspend Students…

So, what are we (teachers / administrators) to do with following law:  As the law stands now, schools cannot suspend students in kindergarten through third grade for willful defiance, but the new law extends that ban to include students up to eighth grade. Beginning in 2020, schools will no longer be able to suspend students in grades four and five. Well, first answer to "what are

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As I listen / watch the hearings today … the questioning from Congresswoman Sewell to Ambassador Yovanovitch, I had a sudden moment of PTSD.  The PTSD moment came about when Ambassador Yovanovitch’s talked about her reputation being sullied.  How President Trump “sullied” her reputation.  Wow.  The Ambassador and I have something in common. What do

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