
As I listen / watch the hearings today … the questioning from Congresswoman Sewell to Ambassador Yovanovitch, I had a sudden moment of PTSD.  The PTSD moment came about when Ambassador Yovanovitch’s talked about her reputation being sullied.  How President Trump “sullied” her reputation.  Wow.  The Ambassador and I have something in common. What do

Reputation Read More »


It is time.  It is time to start sharing stories.  Write essays.  In my first book, I take the reader up to the beginning of my time at Kilarney High School (not the school’s real name; also, some of the stories may not have happened at the specific high school I cite; gotta watch the


What We Learned About the Shooters (murderers)

What a fantastic article.  I loved it and AT THE SAME TIME, THE REPORTERS FRUSTRATE ME… which may be the reason the article is “fantastic.”  I strongly encourage you to read the article. As I get ready to go to school to begin my THIRTY-FIRST CONSECUTIVE YEAR teaching high school music, I have grave

What We Learned About the Shooters (murderers) Read More »