My First Public Prayer

The purpose of my BLOG is to give some insight from a teacher (BY THE WAY…NOTHING ON THIS BLOG REPRESENTS MY SCHOOL OR DISTRICT….n o t h i n g ! ! !) and what I have learned and continue to learn being a husband and dad.  I know several of you will be “put-off” by my writings.  THAT (being put-off) IS YOUR CHOICE!  I would hope you would read it as a “diary.”  I am very real on my blog and frankly, ALL SOCIAL MEDIA!  By being “real” I don’t have to “remember” anything.  A senator was once asked, “Senator, we notice you don’t take notes at meetings.”  The senator’s response, “because there is nothing to remember.  I don’t have to remember lies I don’t tell.”  So, what you see / read is truly, what you get!  I just don’t tell ya everything (smile).  And if there is any a time you are upset and are thinking about ending our friendship because of what I wrote or you don’t want to start a friendship, maybe you should contact me and we will talk.  In the end, I LOVE PEOPLE!!

So, I have been challenged by several people in regards to my “support for President Trump.”  Ummm… wow.  Being challenged to support our president.  I am an American.  I find it part of our duty is to find balance to support the president and our personal important topics.  President Trump was sworn in as president on January 20, 2017 and I write this BLOG ENTRY on Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2017.  I believe he has been president for TWENTY-FIVE DAYS.  In those twenty-five days, President Trump has certainly ruffled a “few feathers.”  But, may I tell you something?  I still am getting paid the same; I still have a house to live in; my friends who are speaking out against Trump are still enjoying their freedoms; and on and on and on.

As with President Obama, I don’t support the man… I support the office.  My conservative friends will wrinkle their nose at the following:  President Obama did some good things.  What did he do, Paul?  You seem so “anti-Obama.”  I first give you the ceremonial HEAVY SIGH… Well, the economy is strong (could be stronger…as always).  He did recognize there was a “problem” with illegal immigration.

So, following getting BLASTED for “supporting Trump” (I say, “supporting the President (by the way… the candidate I DID NOT VOTE FOR!) and on this “Valentine’s Day,” I offer a prayer.  This is my first formal PUBLIC PRAYER…

Heavenly Father,

Our Nation continues to be divided.  We continue to believe in our truth, while really, You are the Truth.  Heavenly Father, I ask you to please touch people’s hearts.  Remind us – we are to love our enemies.  Remind us – we are to forgive others.  When people make terrible comments, such as, do harm to our President, hold their tongue.  Remind the person that it is better to love than to hate.  Remind people, specifically my friends and family, we are to hold our relationships higher than our opinions.  Opinions are thoughts, not “absolute.” 

In regards to President Trump, I pray he will SLOW DOWN!  I pray President Trump will recognize his mistakes; admit them; fix them; and, gain wisdom.  I pray for DISCERNMENT!  I pray President Trump will bridle his TWEETS!  I pray President Trump will improve his ability to communicate with us.  I pray for the safety of President Trump.  I pray that you, Heavenly Father, will continue to work on President Trump’s heart.  I pray President Trump will INDEED continue to re-build our military.   

And finally, Heavenly Father, I pray for those who have read this prayer.  I pray the readers will recognize my love for them and You!  I offer a prayer of thanks for all the good You have given me, including / not limited to:  a beautiful marriage, two beautiful children, and soon to be – a GREAT daughter-in-law.  

God Bless our Military, Teachers, Leaders, and our nation.

In Jesus Christ’s Name … Amen.