Suck is a choice.

Originally published on March 12, 2020 at 11:01pm.  Thought I would share it again on February 28, 2024.   As strange as it sounds, I was doing really well today until I saw things being canceled.  I had today off from school – not because of COVID-19.  There were mid-terms for period one and two and [...]

Suck is a choice. Read More »

Response to The Bullies

Written on February 13, 2024 at 9:46am.   Posted on Wednesday, February 14, 2024  3:00am (PST) Today, I had a friend share with me this article “Toxic Workplace Leads to Employee Suicide at LA County Department of Public Health.” My friend shared this article with me with the understanding she believes I have been bullied.  She

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Forgiveness is Needed

Written on February 3, 2024.  Published on February 7, 2024.  3:00am (EST) As a high school music teacher since July 3, 1989, I have had to forgive so many people that I truly know the power and since I have been more on a mission to surrender my life to Jesus, that power has grown! 

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Written Saturday morning, January 20, 2024.  Post on Wednesday, January 24, 2024 3:00am PST. To get a better perspective of how to read this, here is a BRIEF description of me… center-right.  I enjoy the idea of being a person who answers to JESUS CHRIST.  He is my authority.  Now, this doesn’t mean I ignore

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Let’s Be Optimistic!

Written January 13, 2024.  9:28am   Posted January 23 Yesterday afternoon, I had a conversation with the superintendent of the charter school I am currently serving (working). “I would like to have your help in creating a program for Saturday school,” he said.  “Something happened following COVID 19.  We got off course.” I thought, that’s it! 

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Preaching to The Choir

Written on December 17, 2023 … Posted on December 24, 2023  5:00am I know.  This is not a typical Christmas Message.  If you want it to be a typical Christmas Message – GO FOR IT!  By the way, I plan to leave this message up until  January 6th.  Yes.   THAT January 6th – my birthday

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It Has Been Since July

Written on December 15, 2023…  Posted on Saturday, December 16, 2023. For those celebrating Christmas, we have four “Advent” Sundays.  One Site’s Explanation on “Advent” Hope. Peace. Joy. Love. Really, one doesn’t have to be a Christian to enjoy / embrace those four beautiful words. I will focus on LOVE. It has been since July that

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